What Is Residential Therapy?
If you're considering seeking out treatment for an addiction or other problem, you might be wondering: What is residential therapy? Residential treatment centers are generally very structured, with patients having the same daily schedule.
This structure can be helpful both during and after the program, as patients can process their experiences with one another. It also allows for some time for leisure and exercise. While residential therapy is generally a longer-term commitment, it is a worthwhile investment.
Residential therapy provides an environment that promotes learning and self-expression, and it can help people with serious emotional problems learn how to manage life and become more responsible and social. It can be helpful for clients who have experienced decompensation after an acute treatment program and are struggling with life skills. During this time, the residential environment provides a safe and nurturing environment for these patients. It also encourages responsible behavior and positive relationships. It may even be better for clients who are not responding to intensive outpatient care.