Why Alcohol Addiction Is Dangerous
The effects of alcohol abuse are extensive, but a few aspects deserve special attention. These factors may be genetic or environmental. Learn about the health effects of alcohol abuse and treatment options. Don't make alcohol your only source of entertainment. Learn about the dangers of alcohol abuse and other drugs. Alcohol is a dangerous drug that can destroy a person's life. It can even lead to the death of a loved one.
Health effects of alcohol abuse
The National Center for Health Statistics, part of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, collects data on alcohol-related hospitalizations and morbidity. Data on in-patient stays are based on a national sample of hospital discharge episodes. Starting in 2008, the sample was reduced by half and the number of diagnoses increased to fifteen. These data are intended to aid policymakers and health care providers in determining the effects of alcohol use.
Constant consumption of alcohol dehydrates the body, reducing blood volume and decreasing kidney function. The liver is the main organ responsible for filtering blood and eliminating toxins.