
Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney

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How did ancient man tackle CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASES (CKD),
Ayurvedic point of view

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney
As per ancient (5000 years old) Ayurvedic texts, it may be inferred that natural ways for kidney health are aimed at prevention/decreasing the dialysis frequency and gradual elimination of the need for a dialysis. With the advent of modernization, knowingly or unknowingly numerous synthetic chemicals have been introduced in nature and their ill-effects have been observed with the increased number of health problems nowadays. One such health issue is Kidney Disorder/ Renal Failure & kidney treatment / renal treatment that is being commonly encountered in worldwide clinical practices and has raised alarming global health concerns. This is why we have introduced the Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney failure.

Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney failure from Nirogam
Kidneys are vital organs of excretory system that are primarily responsible for detoxification of blood and elimination of metabolic wastes from our body. Renal failure occurs when kidneys lose their function as more than 80% of the nephrons are either impaired (non-functional) or damaged. Such conditions result in the unhealthy rise of creatinine levels, urea levels, and the levels of various electrolytes.But this Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney failure from Nirogam helps in restoring the tissues and working on the root cause of the problem.Reasons for this condition could be many, but the ultimate outcome of these diseases is the failure of the kidney.


Ayurvedic perspective of chronic kidney disease (CKD)

According to the ancient texts, kidneys are made up of Rakta and Meda Dhatus. Secondly, the Apana Vayu is also considered essential for optimal functioning of kidneys, thus, balanced Dhatus & optimized Apana Vayu can positively influence the health of the kidneys. An anciently described Natural therapy for renal failure is being shown in the following steps: –

Step 1: R- Renal Tissue Repair:

Repairs the inflamed renal tissue to an optimal extent.
Step 2: E- Electrolyte Imbalance Management:

Optimize the levels of electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, etc.)
Maintains the desired electrolyte levels within the normal range.
Step 3: U- Blood Urea Level Management:

Maintains equilibrium of Blood Urea levels in the body.
Aims to use quick acting herbs to normalize Blood Urea levels.
Step 4: C- Serum Creatinine Level Management:

Restores the Serum Creatinine Levels of our patient to its normal value.
Gradually restores the functioning of the impaired kidney.

Can Ayurveda help for different types of chronic kidney disorders?

Chronic Kidney Disease Click to Know More
Diabetic Nephropathy Click to Know More
Nephrotic Syndrome Click to Know More
Kidney Stones / Renal Calculi / Nephrolithiasis Click to Know More
IgA and IgG nephropathies Click to Know More
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Click to Know More
Kidney failure / renal failure natural remedies

Pasanabheda (Bergenia ligulata): Its rhizome can dissolve the urinary calculi both in kidney and urine constituents through crystal inhibition process. Also, its roots show significant diuretic activity. Thus, it can act as a potent anti-urolithic herb.

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia): – It is a natural immune modulator, anti- inflammatory, diuretic, anti-helmentic, nervine tonic. It regulates blood sugar levels via its direct effect on Rakta and Medas Dhatu, thus benefiting diabetes and hypoglycemia. Guduchi is very calming to Vata and the nervous system due to its unctuous nature. It naturally soothes nervous irritations as well.

Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa): – It can naturally maintain the homeostatic balance of body fluids by removing wastes out of the body. Punarnava root extract has a significant calcium channel-blocking effect & therefore, helps in reducing blood pressure. It also consists of diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrinolytic & anti-bacterial properties.

Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri): – It has a cooling effect (balances the vitiated Pitta Dosha) by increasing the water retention ability of kidneys & preventing oxidative stress in renal cells, thus easing dysuria in case of nephrotic syndrome.

Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): – Its fruit extracts can inhibit the nucleation & growth of the calcium oxalate crystals. It also possesses cyto-protective properties. It may thus enhance the detoxification of the kidneys and lower down the serum creatinine levels in CKD.

Varuna (Crataeva nurvala): – It can act as a litholytic herb due to the presence of certain ingredients which deactivate the enzyme glycolate oxidase and reduce the body oxalates (oxalates combine with calcium to form kidney stones). In addition, this herb is naturally diuretic.

Yoga for kidney health: – Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana), Sitting Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana), The Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana).

Pranayama for kidney health: Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, & Sheetali Pranayama.

Exercise for kidney disease: – Compression bandage/stocking for swelling at ankles. Active range of motion for all joints upper limb range of motion and Lower limb range of motion Ankle Pumps.

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