How To Stop Drinking And Start Recovering From Alcohol Addiction

Do you ever wonder why, after a few drinks, you feel so depressed, foggy-headed, and full of anxiety? You know you shouldn’t drink—but for some reason, alcohol is the one thing that gives you theassurance that everything will be okay.
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Perhaps it’s the buzz that comes with the final drink, or maybe you just really, really like alcohol. Whatever it is, it seems that you can never seem to give it enough of a chance to have its benefits. Even after you’ve realized that drinking isn’t fine and isn’t something you want to do, you keep drinking. It’s a vicious cycle, and it’s called alcoholism.

If you’re close to someone who drinks, you may find yourself spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to stop them. They’ll insist it’s “only apple juice,” but you know that’s a lie. You see their addiction for what it is: a disease. And like any disease, there are effective ways to fight it.

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a disease that affects the way you think, feel, and act. It’s a condition caused by a imbalance between the amount of alcohol consumed and the amount of alcohol eliminated from the body.
