Dec 27, 2016 — Use the following commands to create a user john , grand him the same ... john to root group, without granting him all root privileges, run the following command: ... Cool Tip: Log in to a remote Linux server without entering password! ... in current session and open another one and test if all things are OK. 5052189a2a halajan

Nov 20, 2019 — To use sudo to run a command as another user, we need to use the -u ... command to log in as another user without knowing their password.. Feb 26, 2021 — By default, sudo consumer wants to present some person authentication. At situations, consumer necessities are to run a command with these .... Jul 5, 2021 — Use ssh to login to your remote servers without using a password. Use ssh to run commands (such as backup scripts) on your remote servers ... one computer system to another, essentially working on top of the ssh command.