It could very well be your body is burning fat. When you burn fat, your body is in ketosis. Which is the goal of a "keto" diet. Go smell a bottle of acetone nail polish​ .... Several factors, such as climate changes, hay fever, sinus infection, and even menopause may cause a burning feeling in the nose. Get to know the main causes ... 5052189a2a ferecris

Jan 27, 2021 — For some COVID-19 patients, a lingering loss of sense of smell is the most ... smell and taste lab at Vanderbilt, he is an ear, nose and throat doctor with ... you can't smell smoke if your house is on fire, you can't smell gas leaks, .... Jun 1, 2021 — People experiencing fever, cough, aches, shortness of breath, fatigue, altered taste or smell, along with nose burning sensation, should ...