Addiction Treatment Services

During an addiction treatment program, patients are taught various ways to deal with their addiction. Treatment methods may include nicotine replacement therapy, Methadone, Group therapy, and intensive residential treatment. In addition, patients may be introduced to different methods of self-help, such as psycho-education and experiential therapy. They may also be educated about different types of treatment and receive guidance and support from a team of therapists.

Methadone addiction treatment services offer a variety of services for individuals who are addicted to this opioid. Patients will typically receive daily methadone prescriptions and must be closely monitored for the first seven to 10 days. They may also be allowed to take home a limited supply of the medication, which requires careful administration and careful record-keeping.

To be effective, methadone must be prescribed by a medical professional and taken exactly as directed. This medication can be dangerous if taken improperly, so patients should take it exactly as prescribed.
